Orchids can be an amazing addition to your indoor landscape, but they have a reputation for being finicky and difficult. While they do require precise care, if you know what their needs are, you can easily grow a variety of beautiful orchids in our SWFL climate. To care for orchids properly…
- Provide the Right Amount of Light
Each orchid variety is different; therefore, they need different light and sun exposures. The classic phalaenopsis wants bright light, but not direct sun. Whereas a cattleya wants 6+ hours of direct sunlight. Be sure to do some searching on your varieties to ensure you can provide the care they need. Feel free to come in and ask any of our employee’s questions about your variety.
- Increase Humidity
Many orchids are tropical, and some varieties require from 65-75 percent humidity. Grouping orchids can also improve their collective humidity. Or simply keep them outside on your lanai to enjoy our sub-tropical, humid climate.
- Water Appropriately
Watering can change based on temperatures and mediums you use. When your medium is dry to touch, you can water again. In the summer months with extreme heat, you will need to water more often. The water should be room temperature and without any additives other than fertilizer.
- Fertilizing
Use a Blossom Booster fertilizer with every other watering while in bloom, likr the Jacks 10-30-20. When not in bloom, use 30-10-10 fertilizer every two weeks.
- Repotting
Use only a potting mixture designed for orchids. These mixes are made up of different size fir bark pieces, perlite, sphagnum, lava rock and even charcoal. Repot your orchid when it is nearly overgrown with roots and is not in bloom. This will average about every 2-4 years.
Blooming Orchids
Each type of orchid requires different conditions to bloom (example: Phalaenopsis need 6 weeks of cold nights). When you achieve that delicate balance and your orchid bursts forth with a delicate bloom, make sure you do not change your cultural practices, or the plant will abort the buds. Even a small change in humidity, temperature or light can cause the plant to abort its bloom, but when you keep the conditions stable, you’ll enjoy the reward these exotic flowers offer!