Our Articles
Lawn & Garden Products
Keeping your plants happy and healthy comes down to being consistent and paying attention to their signs. Soil & Fertilizer Soil and fertilizer play a very important role in the overall health of your plants. Sometimes, natural soil conditions can lack in the essential nutrients plants need to grow and look their best. We can recommend the right planting amendments to start your landscape projects off to a great start. Once planted it is important...
Assorted House Plants
House plants are a wonderful addition to anyone’s house looking to spruce up their interior space. We have many options from classics like African violets and fiddle leaf figs to unique sansevieria varieties and hanging baskets of many kinds of ferns. Bright but indirect sunlight is best for most house plants, but certain plants may be acclimated to different conditions. There are quite a few house plants that still flower even without all of the...
Cactus / Succulents
Cacti and succulents have become increasingly popular in recent years. From specialty growers and collectors to stores, websites and collectibles, it is no wonder they have become such a trendy houseplant. This popularity is no doubt due to the fact that all these plants are inherently easier to take care of compared to most other houseplants simply because they do not need much water or attention to survive. There are vast numbers of different cactus...
Orchids are often thought of as an exotic plant that many gardeners are intimidated by. However, most orchids are easy to care for, and can quickly become an addictive hobby. The orchid family is one of the largest flowering plant families on Earth, with an absurd number of varieties encompassing its name. Technology is allowing specialty growers to create hybrid orchids, creating an almost endless possibility of flowers, colors, leaves and fragrance. Thankfully, most orchids...
Herbs & Vegetables
Growing your own herbs and vegetables is an empowering and rewarding hobby. Growing something in your own backyard is a healthy way to learn what goes into our food. The effort that is put into making the plants grow and produce our own food teaches people young and old that investing time and energy is the best way to make things grow. Our herbs and vegetables commonly come in 4” and 6” containers making it...
Bedding Foliage
Bedding plants are traditionally thought of as small flowering plants, but this is not always the case. Many great bedding plants have bright, colorful foliage that can add a pop of color to any landscape. Many stay relatively small, and are easy to maintain. In general, these plants prefer full to part sun, but many can also do well in the shade. A lot of these plants are versatile and can be used in several different...
We carry a wide variety of fruit trees and shrubs that will keep you more in touch with your garden. It may seem that fruit trees take more care and attention than more common landscape plants, but the end result is having something fresh and delicious to enjoy. Growing fruit and citrus can quickly turn into a rewarding hobby and will having you wanting more. We often carry varieties that can be grown in a...
We carry a vast number of different trees at Driftwood. Trees in the landscape add scale and depth that many regular shrubs simply can’t do. There are a wide variety of trees available to us in southwest Florida but not all are the same. In fact, many “trees” are actually shrubs that are trained to develop a stalk when they are young, and encouraged through trimming and shaping to appear as if they are actually trees....
Bedding Flowers
Flowers are the first thing that comes to mind for many when they visualize a landscape. All of the different color variations found on the many bedding plants available to use here in south Florida are awe-inspiring, but can sometimes be overwhelming when planning a flower bed or a planter. We at Driftwood are here to help you find the right plant for your unique conditions, taste and needs. Many flowering bedding plants are used...
Shrubs are plentiful here at Driftwood, with a large selection of different bushes that flower along with many others that boast decorative foliage. Most of the flowering shrubs prefer full sun to look their best, but many can be acclimated to different conditions. A little research and planning will ensure whatever shrub you choose will thrive. Crotons for example are known for their hardiness when it comes to watering (they prefer being on the dry-side)...