
Veggie Gardening in Zone 10b Southwest Florida

A tremendous aspect of gardening in southwest Florida Hardiness Zone 10b is enjoying fresh, homegrown produce year-round. Best Vegetables to Garden in Southwest Florida by Season Many types of veggies can grow well in zone 10b, depending on when they are planted, their general time to maturity, and their individual growth needs, such as soil type, sunlight levels, and fertilization and watering requirements. Whether seeds or seedlings are planted in the garden will also impact...

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Hurricane Prep for Plants

Hurricanes can be devastating for even the best-laid landscapes, bringing violent winds, torrential rains, storm surges, salt spray, and other impacts to yards even a significant distance from the coast. There are steps you can take as hurricane preparations for plants, however, that can help minimize such damage and protect your landscape from these storms. When Is Hurricane Season? The Atlantic Hurricane Season begins annually on June 1 and lasts through November 30. Historically, the...

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