
Codiaeum Variegatum

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Crotons have been a common landscape plant in the SWFL area for a long time now. Their extremely vibrant foliage makes them very attractive. Each leaf on a croton is different, whether its the coloring or the markings on the plant, each is very unique. Crotons can take either part to full sun. Having them in part sun will effect the coloring of the plant, since they’re in less sun. They are also very low maintenance, being very slow growers. Basic maintenance would be applying the Sure-Gro 8-2-12 granular fertilizer in spring, summer and fall. This will ensure the plant has all the nutrients in needs to pushout new growth and be healthy. Another fun fact about crotons is that, they can bloom! The bloom produced is very similar to that of a cordyline. A stem of buds will come out the top and produce white, puffy flowers with pollen that the bees like. The flower is not as showy as the foliage, but it is still cool to see.

Fun Fact!

The vibrant natural colors of the croton have been used in dyes for centuries. The process is very time consuming. For an 8% dye concentration is takes an hour to extract the dye and 75 minutes to fully dye a clothing item. Croton dye is commonly used on silk. Being one of the most colorful evergreen plants, they're a great source for natural dyes. The synthetic dyes used in todays clothing have chemicals and other properties that contribute to environmental depletion.