Parrot Heliconia

Heliconia psittacorum

Rewards Discount
$7.99 $11.99
Sale Ends Fri, June 21, 2024
while supplies last • no other discounts apply
not valid on prior purchases • cash & carry

There are many varieties of heliconias — about 200! — and all of them are tropical. Therefore, they love our summer humidity and thrive in our zone. These plants may die back in the winter, particularly if it gets too cool. However, being perennials, they will return to share their beauty once the weather begins to warm up.

Regularly fertilizing is important, and we suggest the Suregrow 6-8-10 granular.

Heliconias are found in tropical areas, such as Central and South America, and are a common food source for many tropical birds, including hummingbirds. They are a Florida-friendly, great choice for adding some tropical leaves and vibrant colors to your landscape!

Plant Type


Plant Size

up to 6'W x 3'H, can be maintained for smaller spaces.


Part Sun

Flower Color

Red, Orange, Yellow

Flower Season

Spring, Summer, Fall

Recommended Fertilizer

Suregrow 6-8-10 Granular

Plant Care

Trim as needed to maintain in desired space. Thin beds as needed, removing older plants and allowing the young ones a chance to grow and fill the space.

Water Needs

Water regularly and often, about 2-3 times a week in the summer.