Boston Fern

Nephrolepis Exaltata

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Boston Ferns are a timeless plant that have been used in the home for decades. These plants love the shade and are typically found in a hanging basket. Their lush and tropical look make for a beautiful house plant. They can also be planted in the landscape under some trees or a shady spot in your yard. Let the soil dry out between watering, be sure to not have sitting water in your pots. Boston Ferns appreciate a humid environment. If you are seeing some browning on the tips of the leaves, this may be a lack of humidity or water. We recommend using the Dynamite granular fertilizer or the We the Wild liquid fertilizer, if you want an organic option.

Fun Fact!

Boston Ferns, along with many other plants, conduct an air purifying process called phytoremediation. The ferns will absorb gasses through their leaves and their roots and use microorganisms that are found in the soil to break down volatile organic compounds. Some of these VOCs are not good to breathe in. They will also remove other toxins like xylene, toluene, benzene and more. Formaldehyde is the most filtered when it comes to ferns. This can be found in paper, carpets and other household items.