Snake Plant

Dracaena Trifasciata

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Snake plants are a very common house plant, and for good reasons. They do best in bright, indirect, light and are known to “thrive on neglect.” Being such slow growers, you don’t have to worry much about repotting often and they are extremely drought tolerant. Snake plants are also very hardy and can recover easily if something goes wrong. The main thing you want to avoid with this plant is overwatering. Any sort of sitting water in the pot can cause root rot, which is very hard to fix. Before watering, be sure the soil an inch down from the surface is completely dry. You should be planting in pots that have a proper drainage hole. A recent botanical study found that snake plants are actually part of the dracaena family. Check out the fun fact on the benefits of having plants in your home!

Snake Plant Fun Fact

There are so many benefits to having plants in your home. One of the most beneficial plants is the snake plant! This is because they have a filtering ability that takes toxins out of the air and produces oxygen. During the night, they convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, it is among one of the few plants that can do this. They can also filter xylene, benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and toluene. The plants also release moisture into the air while removing the toxins, which is very beneficial to anyone with allergies to airborne things, like dust.