Chinese Evergreen

Aglaonema commutatum

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Chinese Evergreen makes a great house plant because it can take relatively low light conditions. Being a slow growing plant, you can wait a while to repot. Depending on your variety, they can reach 1-3 feet in height, a great option for a coffee table or floor plant. These plants are Native to parts of Asia and Australia, so they do appreciate some humidity and a well-draining soil. They also make a lovely landscape plant with their tropical foliage, be sure to not have any direct sun on your plant or it can burn. If you are keeping your plant indoors, we recommend using the flourish 3-3-2 organic liquid fertilizer, this will promote new growth and vibrant, healthy leaves. As your plant grows, you may begin to see pups towards the bottom of the stem. Aglaonemas are often propagated by stem cuttings and can be split easily to make a new plant!

Fun Fact!

Aglaonemas bloom! The Chinese evergreen will occasionally bloom a Spath-like flower that is green or white. These blooms are very similar to other plants in the Araceae family and can add an interesting touch to the plant. Although the blooms are cool, they are bought for their unique foliage.