Spider Plant
Chlorophytum comosum
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Spider plants have been a very popular houseplant since the 60s. Not only do they have a different style of foliage and growth habit, but they are also easy to care for. You want the soil to completely dry in between waters and make sure they get good light; direct sun is not necessary. The growth habit makes them a great hanging plant. Spiders are also very hardy plants and can adapt easily to their environments. Like other house plants, they’re great for producing oxygen and keeping good air circulation in the home. Using an all-purpose granular, like Osmocote or Dynamite fertilizers every few months will keep the spider plant fed well and keep nice, dark green foliage. Enjoy your new plant!
Fun Fact
Spider plants produce small white flowers on long tendrils that also have spider plant pups on the ends. These pups will start off very small, and you will know when they are ready to report because they will have roots growing from the base. Once there are 3 or more good-looking roots on the pup, it's time to propagate! Both water and soil propagation can work for these plants. They do produce pretty frequently, so it's perfect for sharing with friends and neighbors.