
Gardenia veitchii

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$11.99 $16.99
Sale Ends Fri, February 14, 2025
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Gardenia veitchii produce double white blooms with a sweet fragrance that many people love. This particular variety is one of the oldest gardenias and is everblooming. Since these are shade grown, you can keep them in dappled sun or full shade and still get those blooms. They can be acclimated to full sun, as a slow transition. Water thoroughly when the soil is dry to touch. The veitchii has a rounded growth habit and is often used as table-top topiaries or they are also great to keep in pots. People also use their flowers in fresh cut arraignments that add beauty and a lovely smell. It is important to keep gardenias fed with a good fertilizer, since they are acid loving plants.

Feeding your gardenia!

Because Gardenias are acid loving, you need to be regularly fertilizing. We recommend using the organic Espoma Holly-tone. This fertilizer is specifically curated for plants that like a low pH, it has sulfur in it. Sulfur is an important element to have in your fertilizer because that is what lowers the pH of the plant and also helps the plant better absorb the nutrients in the fertilizer. Holly-tone also carried beneficial microbes that are great for the soil. They improve plant growth, dark green leaves and healthy nutrient cycles. Pick up a bag of Espoma Holly-Tone fertilizer for your new gardenia and your other acid loving plants today!